Hugh Tollemache

2013 - 2014

Hugh Tollemache was born in Suffolk, and moved to Gloucestershire in 1974; he has lived and worked in the County on and off for nearly 40 years and now lives with his family near Stow-on-the-Wold.

After school, Hugh spent two years in the jungles of Borneo teaching at a Secondary School as a volunteer with Voluntary Service Overseas. On his return he spent some years in the City of London with Barclays Bank and with the Financial Times.

Hugh then decided to spend a decade studying the major religions and the wisdom that has been passed down through many cultures over the centuries; some of this time was spent in Gloucestershire. He was instrumental in starting a school which continues to educate people of all ages and beliefs, in particular helping them to achieve a balance, relevant to our society, of spiritual and material values in their lives. As a by-product of this interesting and rewarding experience, he and a friend built up a printing company which was based in Cheltenham, Tewkesbury and elsewhere which employed about 100 people.

Hugh was brought up with a love and respect for the Natural World and in recent years he has been able to devote some time as Chairman of the Gloucestershire Wildlife Trust, and Trustee of the Royal Society of Wildlife Trusts. He is on the Council of The Honourable Company of Gloucestershire and was High Sheriff of Gloucestershire in 2013/14.

Hugh is married to Rosie, whose help, support and wise advice is of great value to him. Also, they have three sons Tom, David and Johnny who are in their twenties.

Hugh Tollemache